Blake Hestir, Ph.D.
b.hestir@tcu.edu817-257-63743015-F Scharbauer
Program Affiliations
- Professor of Philosophy
- Associate Director of TCU Contemplative Studies
- Ph.D., Philosophy, Florida State University, 1998
- M.A., Philosophy, Florida State University, 1996
- B.A., Philosophy, Texas Christian University, 1988
- Certified Yoga Instructor, RYT 200
Courses Taught
- PHIL 10103 Mind, Meaning, and Morality
- PHIL 20273 Mind, Consciousness, Self
- PHIL 30373 Existential Philosophy
- PHIL 30463 Mind, Body, Ecology
- PHIL 30393 Philosophy of Mind
- PHIL 40213 Ancient Philosophy
- PHIL 40263 Socrates and the Socratic Tradition
Areas of Focus
Ancient Greek Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Enactivism, Phenomenology, Ecology,
Contemplative Studies
Study Abroad in Costa Rica
Mind, Consciousness, Self: A Contemplative Jungle Odyssey. A three-week adventure into the jungles of Costa Rica for a philosophical exploration of mind, consciousness, and self. A large part of discovering who one is involves understanding one’s interconnectedness with other people and the natural environment. Costa Rica offers one of the most beautiful and biodiverse ecosystems in the world. The citizens refer to the simplicity and easy pace of life as la pura vida or “the pure life.” In fact, the Nicoya Peninsula is designated as one of the world’s five Blue Zones where people tend to live the longest and the healthiest. You will immerse yourself in topics such as attention and awareness, embodiment, social/environmental “situatedness,” interpersonal neurobiology, animal minds, and climate ecology. You will walk mindfully through an ethereal cloud forest and wander a deserted beach, gaze into a waterfall, hike to the base of a volcano and raft down a river, learn to listen to nature in the dark of night, and enjoy daily yoga practice, meditation, journaling, group circling discussions, and various contemplative movement exercises like dance. The course offers you a unique opportunity for self-understanding and self-discovery!
Hestir, B. 2016. Plato on the Metaphysical Foundation of Meaning and Truth. Cambridge University Press. -
Hestir, B. 2013. “Aristotle’s Conception of Truth: An Alternative View.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 51(2): 193–222. -
Hestir, B. 2004. “Plato and the Split Personality of Ontological Alêtheia,” Apeiron 37(2): 109–50. -
Hestir, B. 2003. “A ‘Conception’ of Truth in Plato’s Sophist.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 41(1): 1–24.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024