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Audrey Sorrells

Audrey Sorrells, Ph.D.

Professor, ANSERS Institute Director, Ann M. Jones Endowed Chair in Special Education

817-257-4645 Bailey 207

  • Special Education

Dr. Sorrells, a 40-year educator, joined the faculty of TCU in 2022. She holds the Ann M. Jones Endowed Chair in Special Education and is Professor and Director of the Alice Neeley Special Education Research and Service (ANSERS) Institute in the College of Education. Prior to her arrival to TCU, Dr. Sorrells was the Associate Dean of Students for Research, Undergraduate Coordinator, Minority Liaison Coordinator, Area Coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Special Education Equity and Diversity, and a tenured faculty member in the Department of Special Education from 1997-2022. Dr. Sorrells was also a K-12 classroom teacher for nearly ten years, teaching students from low-income families and minoritized communities in rural and urban schools, and students with Learning Disabilities.

Dr. Sorrells’ scholarly work centers on special education at the intersections of race and culture, teacher education, and leadership.  More recently, she has focused her work on the development and impact of culturally responsive, systemic diagnostic and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, and bilingual special education teacher preparation. Dr. Sorrells’ international research has centered on inclusive education in the Caribbean, for individuals with learning disabilities, where she conducted research in Kenya, Trinidad & Tobago, and Barbados. She is recipient of many awards for teaching, research, and service. Dr. Sorrells is Past President and serves on the Executive Board of Directors for the Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children (DR-CEC, 2024-2025) and was President of DR from 2023-2024. Dr. Sorrells has been awarded more than $5 million in external funds for her work during her tenure in academia.

Dr. Sorrells served as Co-Editor of Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners (2013-2018). She serves as reviewer and on the editorial boards of major journals including Elementary School Journal and Reading Research Quarterly. She has authored more than 80 publications, including the book, Critical Issues in Special Education, and an additional book under contract. She currently serves as Associate Editor for Exceptional Children, the premier journal for the field of special education.

  • 2022 Ann M. Jones Endowed Chair in Special Education, Texas Christian University
  • 2022 Named Associate Professor Emerita, The University of Texas at Austin
  • 2022 University Administrator Service Award, The University of Texas at Austin
  • 2019 Educational Institution Living Legend of the Year Image Award, Awarded by the Edwards Ministerial Association, Inc.
  • 2015 PLUS Award (Peer-Led Undergraduate Studying) Sustainability Award, UT Austin
  • 2015 Diversity Mentoring Fellowship Award. University of Texas at Austin Graduate Schoo
  • 2012 Unsung Saint Award for Excellence in Spiritual Leadership, Life Enrichment, Mentoring, and Community Service
  • 2012 Dr. Audrey Sorrells Day –March 17, 2012 (Official), Taylor, Texas
  • 2006 – 2012 Fellow in the Lee Hage Jamail Regents Chair in Education
  • 2007-Dean’s Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Associate Editor, Exceptional Children, 2024-present, published by SAGE
  • Guest Editor, Black History Bulletin, ASALH (Association for the Study of African American Life and History) (2024-2025) (Howard University)
  • Guest Editor, Learning Disabilities Quarterly (2022), published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and Sage in association with the Council for Learning Disabilities
  • Guest Editor, International Qualitative Studies in Education (2002, 2010), published by Taylor and Francis
  • Co-Editor for the Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, (DDEL), Council for Exceptional Children (2008-2013)
  • Director, Alice Neeley Special Education Research and Service (ANSERS) Institute, 2022- present
  • Associate Dean of Students for Research and Director, Research Institute, Office of the Dean of Students, Vice President for Student Affairs, 2009-2022
  • Area Coordinator, PhD Program in Special Education Equity and Diversity, College of Education, UT Austin, 2012-2022
  • Minority Liaison Officer, Department of Special Education, College of Education, 2013-2016
  • Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Special Education, College of Education, UT Austin, 2002-2007


Sorrells, A. M., Rieth, H., & Sindelar, P. T. (Eds.). (2004). Critical issues in special education: Access, diversity, and accountability. Boston: Allyn and Bacon/Pearson.


Journal Articles

Sorrells, A. M. (2025). Inclusion: Knowledge is power.  Black History Bulletin (BHB), 88(1).

Sorrells, A. M. (2025). Improving African Americans’ literacy and inclusion in middle school social studies using culturally relevant pedagogies. History Bulletin (BHB), 88(1).

Sorrells, A. (2024). Midnight musings: Advancing educational equity and evidence-based practice. FOCUS on Research, 37(2), 1, 6-7.

Sorrells, A. (2024). Reauthorization of the Education Science Research Act: CEC-DR Offers Recommendation for Advancing Research for Students with Disabilities.  FOCUS on Research, 37(1), 1, 14-15.

Sorrells, A. (2023). Miles to go: Intentional priorities in DEI research from design to dissemination. FOCUS on Research, 36(4), 1-3.

Sorrells, A. (2023). Look back, imagine forward. FOCUS on Research, 36(3), 1-3.

Sorrells, A. M., & Dennis, M. S. (2022), (Guest Editors) Equity and opportunity in intervention research: Intervention in context.  Learning Disability Quarterly, 45(1), 3-54.

Sorrells, A. M., & Dennis, M. S. (2022), Equity and opportunity in intervention research: Intervention in context: Introduction to Special Series. Learning Disability Quarterly, 45(1), 3-5.

Dennis, M. S., Sorrells, A. M., Chovanes, J., & Kiru, E. W. (2022). Ecological and population validity of mathematics interventions for diverse students with low mathematics achievement: A meta-analysis. Learning Disability Quarterly, 45(1), 32-45.

Morissette, S. B., Ryan-Gonzalez, C., Yufik, T., DeBeer, B. B., Kimbrel, N. A., Sorrells, A. M., Holleran-Steiker, L., Penk, W. E., Gulliver, S. B., & Meyer, E. C. (2021). The effects of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms on educational functioning in student veterans. Psychological Services, 18(1), 124–133.

Ahonle, Z. J., Barnes, M., Romero, S., Sorrells, A. M., & Brooks, G. I. (2019)). State-federal vocational rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury. What predictors are associated with successful employment outcomes? Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 63(3), 143-155.   

Ahonle, Z. J., Romero, S., Barnes, M., & Sorrells, A. M. (2019). Vocational rehabilitation as a public health intervention for individuals with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100(12), e211. DOI:

Kiru, E. W., Doabler, C. T., & Sorrells, A. M., & Cooc, N. A. (2018). A synthesis of technology-mediated mathematics interventions for students with or at risk for mathematics learning disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 33(2), 111-123.

Dennis, M. S., Sorrells, A. M., & Falcomata, T. s. (2016). Effects of two interventions on solving basic fact problems by second graders with mathematics learning disabilities, Learning Disability Quarterly, 39(2), 95-112. 

Pierce, N. P., O’Reilly, M. F., Sorrells, A. M., Fragale, C. L., White, P. J., Aguilar, J. M., & Cole, H. (2014). Ethnicity reporting practices for empirical research in three Autism-related journals. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 1507-1519.

Reed, D., Sorrells, A., Cole, H., & Takakawa, N. (2013). The ecological and population validity of reading interventions for adolescents: Can effectiveness be generalized? Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 36(3), 131-144.

Garcia, S. B., Ortiz, A. A., & Sorrells, A. M. (2012). Intersectionality as a framework for research and practice in special education. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners 13(1), 1-3.

Shin, M., & Sorrells, A. M. (2012). How first grade Korean English Learners respond to scientifically validated instruction in reading comprehension. Journal of Bilingual Education and Research Journal, 14(1). 1-36.

Ortiz, A. A., Garcia, S. B., & Sorrells, A. M. (2010). Changing demographics underscore the need for culturally responsive special education services. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners 12(2), 1-4.

Sorrells, A. M., Garcia, S. B., & Ortiz, A. A. (2009). Persistent disproportionality. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners 12(1), 1-3.

Garcia, S. B., Ortiz, A. A., & Sorrells, A. M. (2009). Transformative research in multicultural special education. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners 11(2), 1-2.

Postdoctoral Ford Fellow
Ford Foundation, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Ph.D. | University of Florida
Special Education

M.Ed. | Southeastern Louisiana University
Special Education; Educational Psychology

B.A. | Southeastern Louisiana University
Business Education; Business Administration


Last Updated: February 26, 2025

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