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World Regional Geography
Physical Geography
Environment and Society
Nuclear Geographies

Ashley Coles, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
a.coles@tcu.edu817-257-4370Scharbauer 2004H
Program Affiliations
University of Arizona, Ph.D in Geography, minor in Latin American Studies
University of Arizona, MA in Geography
Cornell University, BS in Atmospheric Sciences
Courses Taught
Areas of Focus
Human-environment interactions, especially the politics of knowledge, critical development theory, and the management of environmental hazards and water resources under climate variability and change.
Specific research projects include studies of:
- Integrating participatory methods and environmental justice into urban forestry management
- Motorists' exposure to flash floods and their response behaviors in Tucson, Arizona and Austin, Texas
- Successes and challenges for community-managed water and sanitation networks in rural Cali, Colombia
- Potential for non-expert participation to improve urban redevelopment and landslide management programs in Manizales, Colombia
- Use and limitations of seasonal climate forecasts in farming, ranching, and water management in Southern Arizona, USA and Northern Sonora, Mexico
Coles, A.R. and Walker, K.E. (2021). Assessing motorist behavior during flash floods in Tucson, Arizona. Transportation, -
Quintero-Angel, M., Coles, A., and Duque-Nivia, A.A. (2021). A historical perspective of landscape appropriation and land use transitions in the Colombian South Pacific. Ecological Economics, 181: Article 106901. -
Coles, A.R. and Hirschboeck, K.K. (2020). Driving into danger: perception and communication of flash flood risk. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12(3): 387-404. -
Coles, A.R. (2020). Building influential networks in community-managed water and sanitation near Cali, Colombia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 19(2): 8-35. -
Coles, A.R. (2020). Identification and evaluation of flood-avoidance routes in Tucson, Arizona. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 48: Article 101597. -
Coles, A.R. and Quintero Angel, M. (2018). From silence to resilience: prospects and limitations for incorporating non-expert knowledge into hazard management. Environmental Hazards. 17(2): 128-145. -
Coles, A. (2017). “Human-Landscape Interactions.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. March 30. -
Coles, A.R. (2012). The messy business of ordering: the impacts of urban redevelopment in Manizales, Colombia. Working paper prepared for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. -
Coles, A.R., Eosco, G., Norton, T., Ruiz, J., Tate, E., and Weathers, M. (2011). Mapping local knowledge of hazards to inform research, practice, and policy in the Americas. Gestión y Ambiente, 14(2): 45-58. -
Coles, A.R. and Scott, C.A. (2009). Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and variability in semi-arid rural southeastern Arizona, USA. Natural Resources Forum, 33(4): 297-309.
- Coles, A.R. (2020) “Assessing flood exposure and adaptive behavior for a mobile population.” Social Sciences Department Colloquium Series, Texas A&M International University. March 13.
- Coles, A.R. (2020). “Identification and evaluation of flood-avoidance routes in Tucson, AZ.” Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Denver, CO (virtual). April 7.
- Coles, A.R. (2019). "Identification and evaluation of flood-avoidance routes in Tucson, AZ." Annual Meeting of the South Western Division of the Association of American Geographers. Fort Worth, TX. October 11.
- Coles, A.R. (2018) “Assessing flood exposure and adaptive behavior for a mobile population.” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, LA. April 12.
- Coles, A.R. (2017). “Information and infrastructure: overcoming the challenges of community-managed water and sanitation in Cali, Colombia.” Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers. New Orleans, LA. January 4.
- Coles, A.R. (2016). “Information and infrastructure: overcoming the challenges of community-managed water and sanitation in peri-urban Cali, Colombia.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. San Francisco, California. April 1.
- Coles, A.R. (2015). “Precarity and Hazards.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Chicago, Illinois. Chicago, Illinois. April 23.
- American Association of Geographers
- South Western Division of the American Association of Geographers
- Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
- Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers
Last Updated: November 19, 2024