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Anton Naumov

Anton Naumov, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

817-257-7124 SWR 305


Ph.D., Rice University, 2011
MS, Rice University, 2008
BS, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2005

Areas of Focus

Biophysics, nanotechnology, applications of nanomaterials in biotechnology for drug delivery, imaging and biosensing. Optical properties of nanomaterials and their applications in optoelectronics.

1.       Lee B. H., R. L. McKinney, Md. T. Hasan, A. V. Naumov, 2021, Graphene Quantum Dots as Intracellular Imaging-Based Temperature Sensors, MDPI Materials 14(3): 616.

2.       Campbell E., Md. T. Hasan, R. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, T. Truly, B. H. Lee, K. N. Green, G. Akkaraju, A. V. Naumov, 2021, Graphene Quantum Dot Formulation for Cancer Imaging and Redox-Based Drug Delivery, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 102408.


3.       Hasan Md. T., B. H. Lee, C-W. Lin, A. McDonald-Boyer, R. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, S. Vasireddy, U. Tsedev, J. Coffer, A. Belcher, A. V. Naumov, 2020, Near-Infrared Emitting Graphene Quantum Dots Synthesized from Reduced Graphene Oxide for in vitro/in vivo/ex vivo Bioimaging Applications, 2D Mater. 8 035013.


4.       D’Achille A., R. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, E. Campbell , B. H. Lee, J. L. Coffer, A. V. Naumov, 2020, Rare-earth doped cerium oxide nanocubes for biomedical near-infrared and magnetic resonance imaging, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 6, 12, 6971–6980.

5.       Lee B. H., Md. T. Hasan, D. Lichthardt, R. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, A. V. Naumov, 2020, Manganese-Nitrogen and Gadolinium-Nitrogen Co-doped Graphene Quantum Dots as Bimodal Magnetic Resonance and Fluorescence Imaging Nanoprobes, Nanotechnology 32, 9.

6.       Frieler M., B. H. Lee, H. M. Dobrovolny, G. R. Akkaraju, A. V. Naumov, 2020, Effects of Doxorubicin Delivery by Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Quantum Dots on Cancer Cell Growth: Experimental Study and Mathematical Modeling MDPI Nanomaterials 11(1), 140.

7.    Hasan Md. T, R. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, C-W. Lin, E. Campbell, S. Vasireddy, U. Tsedev, A. Belcher, A. V. Naumov, 2020 Rare-earth Metal Ions Doped Graphene Quantum Dots for Near-IR in vitro/in vivo/ex vivo Imaging Applications, Advanced Optical Materials 8, 21 2000897.

8.       Valimukhametova A., C. Ryan, T. Paz, F. Grote, A. V. Naumov, 2020, Experimental and theoretical inquiry into optical properties of graphene derivatives, Nanotechnology 31 465203.

9.    Lee B. H., A. Valimukhametova, C. Ryan, T. Paz, F. Grote, A. V. Naumov, 2020 Electric Field Quenching of Graphene Oxide Photoluminescence, Nanotechnology.

Naumov A.V.  October 2021 Biomedical Imaging with Biocompatible Graphene Quantum Dots, Texas Section of the AAPT, Texas Section of the APS and Zone 13 of the Society of Physics Students Conference Clear Lake, TX (invited) 


Naumov A.V.  September 2021 Graphene Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Applications, Lanzhou University Lecture Series (invited) 


Naumov A.V.  June 2021 Graphene Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Applications, MDPI Nanotechology Colloquia Series (invited) 


Naumov A.V.  June 2021 Graphene Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Applications, NT21, Houston, TX (invited) 


Naumov A.V.  May 2021 In vitro and In vivo Near-Infrared Imaging with Biocompatible Bottom-up and Top-down-Synthesized Graphene Quantum Dots, Electrochemical Society Meeting (invited) 


Naumov A.V. June 2021, Bioapplications of NIR-Emissive Graphene Quantum Dots, NT21 conference, Houston, TX. 


Naumov, A. V., Md. T. Hasan*, E. Sizemore*, G. R. Akkaraju July 24 2019, Chirality-Sorted Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Multidrug/Gene Delivery and Imaging, NT 19 Conference, Wurzberg, Germany. 


Naumov, A. V., Md. T. Hasan*, E. Sizemore*, June 25 2019, Near-Infrared Imaging and Cancer Detection with Doped Graphene Quantum Dots, Cancer Nanotechnology Gordon Research Conference, Mount Snow, VT. 


Naumov, A. V., Md. T. Hasan*, E. Sizemore*, May 29 2019, Biocompatible Doped Graphene Quantum Dots Enabling Visible/Near-Infrared Imaging, Drug Delivery and Cancer Detection Electrochemical Society Meeting, Dallas, TX (invited). 


Naumov, A. V., Md. T. Hasan*, E. Sizemore*, R. Gonzalez Rodriguez, May 21 2019, Nanoscale imaging and drug delivery vehicles for multidrug/gene therapeutics in ophthalmology, Fluorofest, Fort Worth, TX (invited). 


  • Materials Research Society
  • Electrochemical Society
  • American Physical Society
  • 2020: Elected as Member at Large at the Electrochemical Society
  • 2018: Albert Nelson Marquee Award from Who is Who in America
  • 2012: Outstanding Researcher US Perm. Residence
  • 2010: NRC Fellowship
  • 2009: Micron Technology Award

Last Updated: November 19, 2024

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