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Amina Zarrugh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
amina.zarrugh@tcu.edu817-257-6856Scharbauer Hall 4214
Program Affiliations
Ph.D., Sociology, University of Texas at Austin
MA, Sociology, University of Texas at Austin
BA, Sociology and Government, University of Texas at Austin
Courses Taught
Gender Politics: International Perspectives
Introductory Sociology
Political Sociology
Sociology of Race and Racism
Areas of Focus
Gender, global and transnational sociology, law, political sociology, race & ethnicity, religion, social movements, North Africa
Zarrugh, Amina and Luis A. Romero. (Forthcoming). “Genetic Racialization: Ancestry Tests and the Reification of Race.” Social Problems. -
Romero, Luis A. and Amina Zarrugh. (2023). “Teaching Race After the Genome: An Approach to Challenging Biological Understandings of Race in the Classroom.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. DOI: 10.1177/23326492231172746
Zarrugh, Amina. (2023). “Uncertainty as Statecraft: Family Movements Contesting Disappearance.” Women's Studies Quarterly 51 (12): 97-115.
Zarrugh, Amina. (2022). “Toward a Sociology of Family Movements: Lessons from the Global South.” Sociology Compass 16 (5): 1-12.
Charrad, Mounira M., Amina Zarrugh, and Hyun Jeong Ha. (2021). “The Reclamation Master Frame: A Visual Study of the Arab Uprisings.” Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change 44: 11-36.
Charrad, Mounira M., Amina Zarrugh, and Hyun Jeong Ha. (2021). “In Pictures: The Arab Spring Protests.” Contexts 20 (1): 58-61.
Zarrugh, Amina, Erin Carpenter, Jason Ginnings, Devin Kaiser, and Suzanne Yost. (2020). “What is Title IX? Toward a Campus-Based Pedagogy to Study Inequality.” Teaching Sociology 48 (3): 196-210. -
Zarrugh, Amina. (2020). “The Development of U.S. Regimes of Disappearance: The War on Terror, Mass Incarceration, and Immigrant Deportation.” Critical Sociology 46 (2): 257-271. -
Zarrugh, Amina and Luis A. Romero. (2019). “Detention, Disappearance, and the Politics of Family.” Contexts (Summer): 32-35. -
Romero, Luis A. and Amina Zarrugh. (2018). “Islamophobia and the making of Latinos/as into terrorist threats.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 41 (12): 2235-2254. - Covered by The Guardian, Vice, Pacific Standard, The Islamic Monthly, Estadão Internacional, and the American Sociological Association.
- Reprinted in Renton, James (ed.) 2019. Islamophobia and Surveillance: Genealogies of a Global Order. Routledge
Zarrugh, Amina. (2018). “‘You exile them in their own countries’: The Everyday Politics of Reclaiming the Disappeared in Libya.” Middle East Critique 27 (3): 247-259. -
Zarrugh, Amina. (2016). “Racialized political shock: Arab American racial formation and the impact of political events.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (15): 2722-2739. -
Charrad, Mounira M. and Amina Zarrugh. (2014). “Equal or Complementary?: Women in the New Tunisian Constitution After the Arab Spring.” The Journal of North African Studies 19 (2): 230-243.
Last Updated: November 19, 2024