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TCU seeks out professors who have a passion for teaching as well as for conducting research — a combination that keeps them at the top of their fields. Through these prestigious and enduring investments, generous donors create new knowledge and shape vibrant futures through exemplary research and teaching. Endowed faculty positions attract eminent national and international scholars, who draw other notable faculty and the brightest students to TCU.

Here, we feature newly endowed deans, chairs and professors being recognized in the 2022-2023 academic year as they begin their first full year in their new roles. TCU thanks its generous donors and congratulates these deserving faculty.


Amy Hardison Tully
Teresa Ann Carter King Dean of the College of Fine Arts
College of Fine Arts
tullyTully is the inaugural holder of the Teresa Ann Carter King Dean of the College of Fine Arts. She joined TCU in May 2022 from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, where she most recently served as interim associate provost for student success and was previously associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. She has extensive experience in academic administration, student success, the teacher-scholar model and musical performance.
More about Amy Hardison Tully


Jamin An
Deedie Potter Rose Chair of Art History
College of Fine Arts
AnAn joined TCU this academic year from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. He is a historian of late modern and global contemporary art, and his current research explores the intersections between curatorial practice, arts policy and the transformation of the artistic field in the late twentieth century.
More about Jamin An

Lori Diel
Kay and Velma Kimbell Chair of Art History
College of Fine Arts
DielA TCU School of Art faculty member since 2001, Diel has extensive experience in academic research, grant writing and mentorship. She is the author of three books, including the groundbreaking The Codex Mexicanus: A Guide to Life in Late Sixteenth-Century New Spain. Diel is also the associate dean for research and faculty development.
More about Lori Diel

Bonnie Lucero
Neville G. Penrose Chair of Latin American Studies
AddRan College of Liberal Arts
LuceroLucero will continue a nearly 40 year-long tradition of excellence in Latin American scholarship and education. She comes to TCU from the University of Houston-Downtown, where she was an associate professor of history and director of the Center for Latino Studies. Her research focuses on the intersection of race and gender in colonial and post-colonial Latin America and the Caribbean, with an emphasis on Cuba.
More about Bonnie Lucero

Ron Pitcock
Wassenich Family Endowed Chair
John V. Roach Honors College
PitcockJoining TCU in 2001, Pitcock has spent the last 15 years in the Honors College, shaping it as a nationally recognized educator and administrator. He has received multiple regional and national awards for excellence in teaching, research and mentorship. His philanthropy course, “Nature of Giving” has gained national recognition and helped launch a broad philanthropy education program. His accomplishments as an administrator include developing a new, more equitable admissions process for recruiting highly-motivated Honors students.
More about Ron Pitcock

Audrey Sorrells
Ann M. Jones Endowed Chair in Special Education
College of Education
sorrelsSorrells has over 30 years of higher education experience in teaching, research, service and progressive leadership. Prior to her university appointments, she taught at-risk students in K-12 high-poverty rural and urban schools, including students with learning and behavior disorders. She specializes in cultural and linguistic diversity in special education, with research focused on the intersection of culture and disability through the lens of the Black student experience in public education in the United States, among other DEI-related initiatives.
More about Audrey Sorrels


Antonio Banos
Bloxom Foundation Professor of Sports Entrepreneurship
TCU Neeley School of Business
banosThe inaugural Bloxom Foundation Professor, Banos is the associate director for the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, as well as an experienced business leader who has been teaching at TCU for the past six years. Most recently, he co-created and teaches the Neeley NIL course curriculum, designed to educate and empower student-athletes in the wake of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that redefined the concept of amateurism in college athletics.
More about Antonio Banos

Ashley Franklin
W.F. “Tex” and Pauline Curry Rankin Professor in Nursing
Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences
franklinFranklin has excelled in nursing education and healthcare simulation research at Harris College over the last 14 years. With numerous publications, awards and certifications, she has developed an academic reputation for excellence and has fostered a positive environment for growth among TCU Nursing students. Her ongoing research focuses on students’ learning outcomes in simulation and what they can do to improve them.
More about Ashley Franklin

Greg Friedman
John William and Helen Stubbs Potter Professor in Mathematics
College of Science & Engineering
FriedmanIn his new role, Friedman will continue to teach courses in his area of specialization and continue his work as an exemplary scholar. Much of Friedman’s research has focused on geometric and algebraic topology, particularly stratified spaces, intersection homology theory, stratified knot theory and disk knot theory. He has published nearly 40 articles in several mathematics journals and been asked to speak at workshops and seminars all over the world.
More about Greg Friedman

Matthew McLennan
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Professor in Ranch Management
College of Science & Engineering
mclennanJoining TCU in January of 2022, McLennan has greatly contributed to preparing students to manage a broad range of global resources on an ecologically and economically sound basis while conserving and improving resources. In his new role in Ranch Management, McLennan will carry on his work as an exemplary scholar and continue to teach courses in his area of specialization.

More about Matthew McLennan

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