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Bob Schieffer arrived to campus right as his namesake Bob Schieffer College of Communication was celebrating the unlocking of their challenge gift from TCU Gives Day.


For the ninth straight year, TCU Gives Day was a resounding success, celebrating the second highest year in donor participation. On Oct. 25-26, TCU blew past this year’s goal of 2,000 participants — with 3,422 donors — and raised more than $1,520,603 overall for Lead On: A Campaign for TCU, the university’s most ambitious philanthropic effort in its 150-year history.

This 24-hour online challenge highlights the importance of philanthropy and how it impacts every student at the university. This year, it was held in conjunction with Generosity Week, a week of campuswide events designed to educate students about the importance of philanthropy at TCU.

Along the way, Horned Frogs unlocked $441,000 in challenge gifts for each school and college, as well as those benefitting Black and Hispanic Alumni Alliance scholarships and the Mary Couts Burnett Library. Results from all 2022 Gives Day challenge gifts can be found here.

Other takeaways from TCU Gives Day 2022:

  • More than $148,849 was raised for scholarships overall.
  • For the third year, TCU included high-priority designations such the Frog Family Crisis Fund and the Inclusive Excellence Initiatives Fund.
  • There was an impressive turnout from TCU faculty and staff, with over 390 gifts.
  • More than 200 students contributed, as well as more than 900 current and former parents.
  • A record-setting 922 volunteer social media ambassadors helped exceed the goal.

It is incredible to have reached over $1.5 million in Gives Day gifts as we begin TCU’s 150th anniversary celebration! If you missed the 24-hour challenge, your gift — for a limited time — can still count toward the final TCU Gives Day. Give here.