Feb. 11, 2021 (6:40 p.m.) - Weather Watch for Feb. 12
Texas Christian University’s emergency operations team is closely monitoring the active weather pattern in north Texas. While precipitation isn’t expected tonight, if freezing temperatures remain in place, moisture remaining on the ground could freeze, making road conditions hazardous.
Campus status for Feb. 12-14 will be announced this evening
Our Emergency Operations team expects to make a decision by 10:30 p.m. this evening regarding campus status and activities for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 12-14. This decision follows a planned call with the National Weather Service.
Please note that if the campus is physically closed, classes will be delivered online and all academic activities such as internships, clinicals, field trips, etc., will transition to online where possible and can be canceled or rescheduled when online is not feasible. Students should seek guidance from their professors. Student services that can continue virtually will continue to do so.
TCU Alert & Campus Notifications
Decisions about moving classes online, closing campus or canceling activities are announced via TCU Alert (text and email), posted on the TCU news site, shared on TCU social media and shared with local media. During severe weather, the TCU news site will provide updated information about campus dining options, hours for the Recreation Center and more for those living on campus.
Winter Weather Expected Through Next Week
At this time, the National Weather Service is confident in the forecast for freezing temperatures and precipitation on Sunday and Monday, impacting road conditions next week. However, because weather patterns may change, we expect to have a decision about Monday’s campus status on Sunday; please be prepared to move to online classes as needed.
TCU/BSWH Community Vaccine Site Update
Additionally, inclement weather may impact the scheduled opening this Saturday of the community COVID-19 drive-thru vaccination site. Check the TCU news site for the most up-to-date information.
Thank you for your support as we plan the safest options for our community. Please be safe and stay warm, and if you must travel do so with extreme caution. If you have an on-campus emergency, contact TCU Police at 817-257-7777.
Feb. 11, 2021 (9:40 AM) - TCU classes, student support services and events and meetings will continue virtually today, while the TCU campus is closed due to winter weather. Please be safe and use extreme caution if you must travel.
The following department status list will be updated throughout the day:
- Mary Couts Burnett Library - online services, including Reference available; building is closed due to winter weather
- Rec Center - currently open regular hours; appointments required
- TCU Dining - limited hours; check for TCU Dining Instagram for updates
- Counseling & Mental Health Center - open for virtual services and appointments
- Brown-Lupton Health Center - closed
If you have an on-campus emergency, call TCU Police at 817-257-7777.
To send in a department status update, please email news@tcu.edu.
Feb. 10, 2021 (11 PM) - The Texas Christian University campus will be closed Thursday, Feb. 11, due to winter weather conditions. Please be safe and use extreme caution if you must travel. If you have an on-campus emergency, call TCU Police at 817-257-7777.
All on-campus events, in-person classes and meetings will move to an online format. Employees should confer with their supervisor in regard to enacting remote work or reporting to campus as it relates to health and safety and the presence of a residential student community.
The health and safety of our community is TCU’s top priority. We will continue to provide updates through TCU News, TCU social media and local news.
Mensaje de cierre debido al clima invernal:
El campus de Texas Christian University estará cerrado el jueves 11 de febrero, debido a las condiciones climáticas de invierno. Tenga mucho cuidado y precaución si debe viajar. Si tiene una emergencia en el campus, llame a la policía de TCU al 817-257-7777.
Todos los eventos en el campus, clases en persona y reuniones se trasladarán a un formato electrónico. Los empleados deben comunicarse con su supervisor con respecto a la implementación del trabajo remoto o sobre presentarse al campus en lo que se relaciona a la salud y seguridad y presencia de una comunidad residencial de estudiantes.
La salud y seguridad de nuestra comunidad es la máxima prioridad de TCU. Continuaremos brindando actualizaciones a través de tcu.edu/news, las redes sociales de TCU y las noticias locales.
TCU Facebook – facebook.com/TCUTexasChristianUniversity
TCU Twitter – twitter.com/TCU
TCU Instagram – instagram.com/texaschristianuniversity/