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Mark Bezos

Mark Bezos ’92, an advertising and public relations TCU graduate, joined his brother Jeff in his company’s first launch into outer space. Blue Origin’s first human-crewed space mission was featured throughout the news, including Fast Company’sAll about Mark Bezos, who heads to space with his brother, Jeff, this week.

The article described the lesser-known brother of the Amazon founder as a successful marketer and philanthropist. He was CEO of his own marketing firm and was employed at various ‘big-name’ firms. He’s currently running a social media training company and helps direct the Bezos Family Foundation, as well as working for Robin Hood, a New-York based antipoverty organization.

Mark Bezos is also cited as his brother’s best friend and a volunteer firefighter.

“Don’t wait until you make your first million to make a difference in somebody’s life,” the article quoted him as saying. “If you have something to give, give it now. Serve food at a soup kitchen. Clean up a neighborhood park. Be a mentor.”

The siblings were joined by the winner of an auctioned seat and a female, 1960s-trained astronaut who never made the trip at the time.

Read more in the Dallas Morning News and the Associated Press, as well as how the flight went in The Washington Post

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