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With more vaccines being allocated on campus, Jane Torgerson, M.D., medical director of the Brown-Lupton Health Center, and Sean Taylor, director of emergency management, answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and its distribution at TCU.

How is TCU prioritizing vaccines now that everyone is Texas is eligible?

TCU prioritizes its allocations to our students, faculty and staff in the order recommended by the state. Now that the state has said all adults are eligible, we are reaching out to all registered with TCU as soon as vaccine is available. Be sure to register through Tarrant County Public Health as well as TCU, and talk to your health care provider about other options that may be available to you. We plan to have another allocation next week, so be sure to register with TCU if you haven’t already.

When vaccine is available to me through TCU, how will I be informed?

Students, faculty and staff who are registered to receive the vaccine through TCU should check their campus email for an invitation to make an appointment for a vaccine in the coming days and weeks. Typically, email invitations to schedule an appointment are sent 1-2 days prior to the vaccination clinic, to ensure the shipment has been received.

Should I report my vaccination to TCU after my first or second dose?

Either – TCU is tracking how many TCU campus members have received at least one dose of COVID vaccine.

How many TCU campus members have received the vaccine so far?

As of April 7, the total known number of TCU students, faculty and staff who have received the COVID-19 vaccine is 3,782, but this number is growing daily. If you have received the COVID-19 vaccine, please let us know by filling out the TCU Vaccine Verification form. The TCU vaccine count is updated weekly on Tuesdays, on our vaccine information page.

What will it take to reach “herd immunity?"

As a university, we are a transient community, so it is hard to predict. Our goal is simply to vaccinate as many as possible.

What do we know about the effectiveness of the different vaccines? Is one better than the other?

It is important to remember that all three vaccines prevent severe illness and death, and the CDC is the best source for accurate information about the different vaccines.

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