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Wish You Were Here: A TCU Postcard

Texas Christian University Chancellor Victor J. Boschini, Jr. announced to students, parents, faculty and staff today that the university intends for students to safely return to campus for the fall 2020 semester, with a planned start date of Aug. 24.

Chancellor Boschini stated that TCU will continue to abide by government and public health guidance and that under his direction, the Fall 2020 Campus Readiness Task Force will oversee the safe return of residential life and on-campus instruction.

“The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our responsibility and our highest priority,” Chancellor Boschini said. “As an institution of higher learning, we also must preserve our academic environment, the intellectual advancement of our students, and safely provide all that the TCU experience promises.”

The Chancellor’s task force is organizing and directing formal processes and policies for reopening campus across key areas, including academic affairs, student affairs, campus life, campus operations, health and safety, workplace, athletics and finance. Based on the guidance of the task force and public health authorities, TCU will phase faculty and staff back to campus, while continuing online classes for the summer.

Further, Chancellor Boschini said that rigorous academic planning is being led by Provost Teresa Abi-Nader Dahlberg to position TCU for flexibility while honoring the personal needs of our students and strengthening TCU’s connected campus culture.

“COVID-19 has caused significant disruption to all of our lives, and temporarily required us to change some of the ways we interact,” Boschini said. “This pandemic has reinforced our strong belief that preparation is key, and the TCU experience must be preserved, regardless of how it’s delivered.”

The university has also expressed its dedication to working with students and families who require additional financial support due to financial uncertainties caused by COVID-19. TCU is allocating additional institutionally funded aid to immediately assist with summer school costs and plans are being developed to provide additional financial assistance for the fall semester, with more information coming in the weeks ahead.

Chancellor Boschini also released a video “postcard from the TCU campus” to the campus community.

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