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(Updated Dec. 30, 2020, 2:40 p.m.)

Texas Christian University received on Monday the first 100 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and began vaccinating available health center staff and other campus priority members, including Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences personnel who assist with patients. Vaccinations are allocated for TCU employees and students only, following Texas Department of State Health Services guidelines for priority campus members. Beth Wieser, D.O. was the first employee to be vaccinated. View video here.

Jane Torgerson, M.D., receives her first dose of COVID-19 vaccine

All doses of the initial allotment of the vaccine have been distributed. The university expects additional shipments, but has no timeline on delivery. As the vaccines are delivered, and in compliance with the protocols for distribution, the university plans to offer vaccination to all TCU students, faculty and staff who choose to take it. View video here.

TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine staffer receives COVID-19 vaccine

“I am thrilled TCU has secured the vaccine for our faculty and staff, in particular those who are our front line of care for students,” Chancellor Victor J. Boschini, Jr. said. “By providing the vaccine for them, we will be ready to once again care for our students when they return in mid-January. While this is a small percentage of our allotment, we are excited to begin the process and continue to protect our community in every way possible. When we receive our complete order, we anticipate many students, faculty and staff will choose to receive the vaccine, which will help protect our campus community, and also the greater Fort Worth community.”

The university is following protocols for priority group distribution as established by the DSHS Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel. Health care workers, front-line workers and employees 65 and over are among the priority groups.

More information about the COVID-19 vaccine distribution will be shared with TCU faculty and staff employees and students as it becomes available. The university encourages its community members to inform themselves about the vaccine through reliable resources and trusted experts, and by consulting with their health care providers.

TCU Campus Police officer receives first dose of vaccine

Residents of Tarrant County who meet the qualifications and wish to register for the vaccine should contact Tarrant County Public Health.

Read TCU’s COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Four Things to Know about the COVID‑19 Vaccine (source: DSHS)

  1. Safety is a top priority.

    Safety is a top priority while federal partners work to make COVID‑19 vaccines available. The new COVID‑19 vaccines have been evaluated in tens of thousands of volunteers during clinical trials. The vaccines are only authorized for use if they are found to be safe.

    Even though they found no safety issues during the clinical trials, CDC and other federal partners will continue to monitor the new vaccines. They watch out for serious side effects (or “adverse events”) using vaccine safety monitoring systems, like the new V‑safe After Vaccination Health Checker app.

  2. The vaccines are highly effective. You’ll likely need two doses for full protection.

    All but one of the COVID‑19 vaccines currently in development needs two shots to be effective. You will need two doses from the same manufacturer, spaced 21 or 28 days apart. You will get full protection from the vaccine usually 1–2 weeks after getting your second dose.

    After you get the vaccine, you will still need to keep wearing a mask, social distance and wash your hands often. That’s because stopping a pandemic requires all the tools we have. All these efforts combined will offer the best protection from COVID‑19 and help us get “back to normal” sooner.

  3. You cannot get COVID‑19 from the vaccine.

    COVID‑19 vaccines do not use the live virus and cannot give you COVID‑19. The vaccine does not alter your DNA. COVID‑19 vaccination will help protect you by creating an immune response without having to experience sickness.

    Having symptoms like fever after you get a vaccine is normal and a sign your immune system is building protection against the virus. The side effects from COVID‑19 vaccination may feel like flu, but they should go away in a few days. Learn more about what side effects to expect and get helpful tips on how to reduce pain and discomfort after your vaccination.

  4. Texas is already distributing vaccine and will continue as more becomes available.

    The Texas Commissioner of Health appointed an Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel (EVAP) of subject matter experts to make recommendations on vaccine allocation decisions. This includes identifying groups that should be vaccinated first. The goal is to provide the most protection to vulnerable populations and critical state resources.

    Other groups will receive vaccines in coming months, as more vaccines are made available.

View Frequently Asked Questions and Vaccine Safety Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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