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Dr. Pam Frable, associate professor of nursing and a consultant to the TCU COVID-19 Task Force, offers five evidence-informed tips to help you resist COVID-19 fatigue and stay the course as you Protect the Purple. And remember – beginning Monday, Nov. 16, TCU offers free voluntary COVID-19 PCR testing with fast results (averaging about 28 hours) from 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Saturday, on campus in parking Lot 6. Testing is free for all students, faculty and staff, and open to the community. Walk-ins are welcome, but you may schedule an appointment in advance

  1. Remember your “why.”

Recalling your personal role in the pandemic will make you more likely to keep practicing safe protocols.

  • Your actions keep vulnerable people safe, such as an elderly grandparent, a sibling with a chronic disease or a co-worker with health issues.
  • If you’re a provider/caregiver for someone else, it’s critical to stay healthy.
  • If we all do our part, we can continue going to work and school. Graduating on time is a good reason.
  • Remember the golden rule: Protect others as you expect others to protect you.
  • Follow science. Be a leader.
  • It’s the right thing to do.
  1. Make it easy.

You’re more likely to continue good COVID-19 prevention if you simplify things.

  • Be consistent, to create habits and routines.
  • Find comfortable face coverings you feel good about wearing. Some people enjoy masks that show their creative side.
  • Keep face coverings handy. If you use washable masks, have one for every day of the week and keep cleaning supplies on hand.
  • Get outdoors for social interactions. Staying 6 feet apart, you can take a walk without a face covering if it’s not crowded. You can gather in chairs 6 feet apart in an outdoor setting.
  1. Understand how these precautions work.

How much do you already know? Here’s a refresher.

  • Although face coverings provide some protection to the wearer, they especially protect others.
  • Soap and water are the most effective way to clean your hands. Hand sanitizer comprising at least 60% alcohol is the best alternative.
  • 20 seconds of hand-washing works. Soap breaks down the viral coat, and the friction and water remove germs and debris from the hands.
  • An estimated 40% of people with COVID-19 don’t show symptoms because they are either asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. Act on the assumption that we are all infected.
  • It’s a myth that COVID-19 only affects older, sicker people. People of all ages, health status, geographies, races and ethnicities have become infected, died or have suffered lingering effects. No one can predict who will have a milder or more severe case.
  1. Create a support system. 

No matter how committed you are, there still will be days when you just want to quit. Having a support system helps you stay connected socially and can keep you on track when you want to stop.

  • Create a bubble with family and friends committed to consistently practicing protective behaviors. Begin with a two-week quarantine and agree that if someone leaves the bubble — such as to attend a public gathering or to fly — they’ll return to a two-week self-quarantine and consider testing before coming back into the bubble.
  • Let people around you know you’re committed to being healthy. Ask them to help you stay the course and offer to do the same.
  • Express your feelings constructively—through journaling, drawing, dancing or talking with others. Be willing to listen to friends. Sometimes just being heard can be enough to help us stay the course.
  • Realize you and your peers may be mourning the loss of a milestone celebration or simply doing something that you wanted to do. We have mental health and counseling resources to help you work your way through these feelings.
  • Be a role model for others. They’ll return the favor.
  1. Remember, we’re all in this together.

It takes all of us working together to Protect the Purple and keep our community safe. Stay vigilant to protect yourself and those around you:

  • Wash your hands often.
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth unless you’ve just washed your hands.
  • Consistently wear a face covering over your nose and mouth in public indoor spaces and outdoors if you can’t stay at least 6 feet away from others.
  • Use good cough and sneeze etiquette.
  • Properly clean surfaces, especially frequently used surfaces.
  • Monitor your own health and stay home if you don’t feel well, just feel “off” or have a fever and/or any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Avoid crowds and gatherings.

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