2021-2022 Town Hall Series
Spring 2022

What does Reconciliation mean for Brite Divinity School ?
Join us as we continue in our conversation quest that will feature Brite Divinity School.

Episode #5 out of 5 part series
Join us for a conversation pertaining to Reconciliation within the School of Interdisciplinary Studies and Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences

Episode #4 out of 5-Part series
Join the Race & Reconciliation Initiative Town Hall featuring Schieffer College of Communication and the College of Science and Engineering
Fall 2021

Episode #3 of a 5-Part Series
Please join the Race & Reconciliation Initiative for third in a five-part town hall series featuring featuring the College of Education and the Neeley School of Business that will speak to the question: What does race and reconciliation mean to you? You can watch the recorded session below!

Episode #2 of a 5-Part Series
Click the link below to watch the Race & Reconciliation Initiative for the second in a five-part town hall series featuring the AddRan College of Liberal Arts and College of Fine Arts that will speak to the question: What does race and reconciliation mean to you?

Episode #1 of a 5-Part Series
Rewatch part one in a five-part town hall series featuring faculty and staff from
the John V. Roach Honors College and TCU School of Medicine to discuss what does race
and reconciliation mean in their work and at their college.