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Thanks to collaboration by TCU's Student Government Association, Graduate Student Senate and Race & Reconciliation Initiative, all TCU students participating in commencement will receive a Unity Cord.

Many events occurred since January 2020 that made our journey to graduation "interesting" to say the least—from COVID to SNOVID to social justice issues both nationally and locally upon our own campus—we have been both challenged and stretched. Thus, the Unity Cord symbolizes that while we at TCU may not be perfect, we see ourselves as making an honest effort to bond together and "lead on" the right way.

The Unity Cord comprises two colored strands tightly woven and bound together; red represents the blood of our shared humanity pulsating vigorously while purple represents the primary school color, we all share as collective contributors to TCU's legacy.

May we embrace our past as we look to influence our future; Go Frogs!